Welcome to our first posting for Write to the Heart – a generational perspecitve!
This is the beginning of our new adventure. We are so glad that you get to be a part of it!
We decided that with all of the worry and angst going on in the world right now because of the Coronavirus pandemic, our first post should be on hope. Each of us has an unique expression of what hope means to us: whether it be through poetry, photography, an essay, or a devotion.
Click on the links to read the post you choose. Or, hover over “Blogs” at the top of the page and choose the generational perspective you are interested in reading. If you would like to know more about the Writer, there is a Bio page for you to check out as well!
We know that during this troubled time many are feeling much fear and concern. We hope that you will be encouraged in your spirit as you read our Blogger’s insights – from their generational perspective.