
  • June – What Would I Tell My Younger Self?

    If you could go back in time and give yourself advice, what would it be? Do you even think that you would have listened to your own advice?

    This month, the ladies at Write To the Heart answered that question for themselves. How does the advice from a teen and an 80 year old differ? What has a 25 year old learned about herself to tell a teenager coming up behind her? How about a 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 year old? What wisdom can they impart to their younger selves? It will be interesting to find out. Click on each of the ladies in the different age groups to read what they would tell herself at a younger age.

    If you are on a hand-held device, click on the drop down arrow, then click on the writer’s name in the age group you would like to read. If you are reading on a computer, click on ‘blogs’ and then the name of the writer. We hope that you will want to read all of them.

    Please leave a comment and tell us what you would tell your younger self. We would love to learn from you, too!

  • May – Isolation

    Hello! We are glad that you are here.

    How’s your social distancing/isolation going? The last few weeks and now months have been tough on everyone. The social distancing and isolation from our family, friends, jobs, churches, and groups because of the Coronavirus is really starting to wear us down. Just when there was hope of the social restrictions being lifted, and we can get back to some kind of normalcy, they have been extended in some places. We have been disappointed, angry, bored, frustrated – you name it.

    When will this end???

    Our blog posts this month are on the topic of isolation. Each writer has a different view on what it means to be isolated. Maybe you can relate to one, two, or even all of them.

    We hope that you will be inspired by what you read. Feel free to share the posts you like. And, leave us a comment. We would love to hear from you.

    If you are on your phone, click on on the drop-down arrow under the banner and click on blogs. Choose the writer that you would like to read. We hope that you will want read them all.