

Fear breeds power and the need to control our lives.

But, hope breeds servant-heartedness and the will to give up our lives for others. As followers of Jesus, we do not put our hope in worldly wisdom, but instead, we put it in a God that brings hope from ashes. We are not spared the pains of life. We suffer. Sometimes, greatly. But, our suffering breeds purpose: to help others.

Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today
He has no feet but our feet to lead men in the way
He has no tongue but our tongue to tell men how He died
He has no help but our help to bring them to His side.

Mother Teresa

Christ’s ministry wasn’t finished with his death on the cross. Instead, it goes on through the Church – his bride. Her purpose is to be Jesus’ partner in bringing heaven to earth and ushering in the age to come.

What does this look like in a world where so much turmoil and suffering exist?

It looks like the hands of Jesus that reach out to bring healing and comfort to the sick and broken-hearted; those that touch the face and wipe away the tears of the diseased with love and acceptance.

It is his feet that dare to run quickly to bring the good news to those that hate us and tell them that we love them.

It is his people caring enough to give of themselves and their finances to house the homeless and feed the hungry.

It is his body that fights hate with love; that does the upside-down, backward thing and shows compassion and mercy to our enemies.

It is his conscience that insists on mercy when justice is demanded.

It is with his sacrificial love that we lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

It is his hope that says, this marriage may be over, but I believe God will bring something beautiful from the ashes.

It is in his unity that we heal a long-broken relationship.

It is with his peace that we believe somehow, something good will come from our suffering.

It is in his humility that we say, I forgive you, please forgive me, as well.

It is his grace that we freely give so others are no longer ashamed and guilt-ridden by past mistakes.

It is his love that we exemplify to the world so that they may come to know our Savior too.

And, in these scary times of sickness and suffering, it is his bride that looks fear in the face and says, “But, God!” Armed with strength and courage, and with the hope that somehow, someway there is a purpose for our suffering, we will go forth in Jesus’ name to love and serve others. Then, God’s audacious, upside-down, backward love will overcome our pain and fear and win!

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